Flight Instruction- Wed. August 26

Started by Frank v B, August 25, 2015, 07:07:32 PM

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Frank v B

I hope to be there by 5:30 pm to assist Mr. PanAm CFI with the workload.  Such a tough job!!  I get to fly all evening and hopefully impart some knowledge among the students.  Oh, yes.  I will be there rain or shine.  If it pours I will be in the Stouffville Tim's (main drag east of 48)

Received an e-mail that Greg H. cannot make it. >:(

"Never trade luck for skill"


I plan on being there.

I might bring a new foamy to maiden.  ;D


I plan on being there too hopefully with a new balsa plane to maiden!


Quote from: sihinch on August 25, 2015, 08:18:12 PM
I plan on being there too hopefully with a new balsa plane to maiden!

Does new balsa fly better than old balsa?

Can you use new balsa in an old-timer?



I hope this new balsa flies better then my old new balsa plane because that one got old real quick! Nothing but problems that old balsa plane! Bring on the new balsa planes!

Frank v B


Does new foam fly better than old balsa? ;D


ps: I know, as long as the batteries are big enough!
"Never trade luck for skill"


I don't know much about old balsa
I do know about new foam becoming old foam very quickly......  :'(
And right before your eyes... :o
So I'm hopping to maiden the new foam as well... :)
......"with a little help from my friends"....
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


Quote from: Frank v B on August 25, 2015, 07:07:32 PM

Received an e-mail that Greg H. cannot make it. >:(


sorry i couldn't make it out but Grace was busy kicking but and taking names ;)
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Congrats Grace!

While Greg was shirking his responsibilities the rest of us flew (with a couple short rain delays). Much fun and foam punishment ensued.

Reminder to all students that although there is no instruction during the funfly you are all welcome to attend, help out, etc. it's a lot of fun (hence the name) and better than staying home and mowing the lawn.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.



great looking planes!!.... can't wait to see them at the fun fly this weekend  ;D
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"



Someone rightly pointed out to me that, after watching the video, they thought my P-47 was tail heavy.  Last night I set it up in the living room (whilst Les was in bed  ;D ) and added weight until it balanced right.

I added 12oz of nose weight!