Sensei re-build

Started by Frank v B, September 10, 2015, 11:03:47 PM

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Frank v B

A Sensei trainer crashed at yesterday's instruction night and the nose was severely damaged.  Jack has asked me... well, not really... he told me to track the Sensei repair with a photo log of the repairs. 
The repair will not be as challenging as posting the pictures and doing the write-up.
My dear wife has agreed to take the photos since I don't want to ask my one remaining son at home and get the "You technological dumb-ass" lecture from him :D

"Never trade luck for skill"


Hi Frank
Thanks for doing this..... Rebuild saga (forum)
And Jack for directing this to help us beginners.
we all know gravity works sometimes too good. :o
Especially me  :-[
Rebuilding is easy once you know how. ???
Pictures are good  ;D

My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!

Frank v B

Re-build update:
- I cut off the nose at the foam firewall that holds the nose gear.
- removed the motor and motor mount from the nose.  The metal motor mount had been badly bent.
- started glueing all the fuse foam splits using 5 minute epoxy.  The joints were held together with pins and rubber bands during the drying process.
- started glueing the nose (cowl) together.  Working 2 splits at a time.
- the motor may be wobbly and the spinner is broken.  Jack cautioned me that the shaft may be bent.

Decisions and Next steps
- I will use a Turnigy G10 with a normal X mount on a new plywood firewall.  This will allow me to put in the proper down and right thrust on the motor.  The problem is the Sensei motor mount is held by the front of the nose, not the firewall.  If the fuse is not joined together properly and perfectly straight it will be impossible to hold the motor straight.  Now the nose will be converted to a normal removable cowl.
- make a plywood firewall
- install the motor
- convert the nose to a removable cowl
- go fly!

Photos to follow.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

OK BJ,  bring one charged battery and your radio tomorrow for the president's BBQ.  The plane should be ready for a test flight to make sure the motor/thrustline work.  The motor is a used E-Flite 10 which should be more than powerful for this plane.  After the test flight I will take it home again for the final touches.

The firewall is in (two layers of plywood), the motor is in, the cowl is made, the prop sits properly outside the cowl . The motor mount had to be shortened twice to get it there. 

Tonight is the wing repair and the final fitting.

Boy this has been a challenge.  It has taken about 10 hours  and 20 individual mixes of 5 minute epoxy to get it this far.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Frank v B on September 15, 2015, 06:10:54 PM
OK BJ,  bring one charged battery and your radio tomorrow for the president's BBQ.  The plane should be ready for a test flight to make sure the motor/thrustline work.  The motor is a used E-Flite 10 which should be more than powerful for this plane.  After the test flight I will take it home again for the final touches.

The firewall is in (two layers of plywood), the motor is in, the cowl is made, the prop sits properly outside the cowl . The motor mount had to be shortened twice to get it there. 

Tonight is the wing repair and the final fitting.

Boy this has been a challenge.  It has taken about 10 hours  and 20 individual mixes of 5 minute epoxy to get it this far.


With a new all-up weight of 10 pounds this should have really good air (and tree) penetration.  Way to go Frank!!


Frank v B


You are just jealous that BJ's plane now weighs more after one repair than yours after 20 repairs.


ps: I see your neighbour on Sawley Drive is fed up with you and has put his house on the market. Graham suggested I put in an offer. ;D  I worked around the corner today (Warlock).
"Never trade luck for skill"


Thank you Frank.

The pictures are fabulous and so informative.

Boy we can learn so much from those pictures!

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Thank you for all your hard work
see you to night
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Papa on September 15, 2015, 10:22:08 PM
Thank you Frank.

The pictures are fabulous and so informative.

Boy we can learn so much from those pictures!


You're so right Jack.  Stealth photos of Sensei II show just how much you can do with 20 pots of glue.  Frank is a true master of the rebuild.  :o


Frank v B

BJ's plane flew and it flew well.  :D  More than enough power.   8)

As a result of this test flight I will make two changes: 1) a smaller prop.  I used a 12 x6.  Will switch to an 11x6 just for more prop clearance on the ground and better acceleration since speed is not required, and 2) Fix the nose gear.  It would not move because the pushrod is stuck.  I disabled it for the test flight.

Now the finishing touches (sand, paint the wood, detail) it so it doesn't end up looking like Andy's Russian bomber*


* looks like an outcome of an Ontario Hydro design-by-committee project. ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

BJ, I will be at the field from 11-2 on this Sunday, Sept 20.  Will have a plane to hand over to you.

If you bring a battery and your transmitter I will take you up on the buddy box.

Update:  Three more problems solved 1) the nose gear did not move because the pushrod had an "S" shape to it so it would not go into the sleeve.  Replaced the pushrod and the sleeve (bent). 2) the elevator hinge started to tear at the outboard end so put a Dubro small hinge in it. Used a number 11 blade to cut a slot in the elevator and stab and glued it with 5 minute epoxy; and 3) Note to self- next time you maiden an airplane, make sure all the motor screws are in place.  Do not leave 3 of the 4 screws on your work desk... you dummy*.


* over to you Andy... please be kind :-[

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Frank v B on September 18, 2015, 06:48:47 PM
BJ, I will be at the field from 11-2 on this Sunday, Sept 20.  Will have a plane to hand over to you.

If you bring a battery and your transmitter I will take you up on the buddy box.

Update:  Three more problems solved 1) the nose gear did not move because the pushrod had an "S" shape to it so it would not go into the sleeve.  Replaced the pushrod and the sleeve (bent). 2) the elevator hinge started to tear at the outboard end so put a Dubro small hinge in it. Used a number 11 blade to cut a slot in the elevator and stab and glued it with 5 minute epoxy; and 3) Note to self- next time you maiden an airplane, make sure all the motor screws are in place.  Do not leave 3 of the 4 screws on your work desk... you dummy*.


* over to you Andy... please be kind :-[

Nah!  Too easy!! I'll wait till you get up to an even two dozen batches of epoxy!  :D



see you Sunday
That's awesome can't wait
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!