TEMAC Board election December 2015

Started by sihinch, October 26, 2015, 08:39:39 AM

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As those of you who were at the last Pilot's Meeting know, TEMAC Board elections are due in December this year, 2015.  Elections are due every 2 years.

The TEMAC By-Laws state that our Board is made up of 4 elected members.  We have 3 current elected Board members - Andy, Graham and myself.  Jack was our remaining elected Board member.

Greg Hazelton serves on the Board as "Past President" and Michael is an invited advisor to the Board.

Once the Board is elected, the Directors decide who does which role and divide the task requirements amongst us.  All of your existing Board of Directors are willing to stand for election in December.  So if you'll have us back, we'd be delighted to continue serving TEMAC.

- Andy is our Membership Secretary and Treasurer (Director.)  He takes money, gives out membership cards, does the budget and tells us what we can spend!
- Graham is our Director of Administration and the Vice President.  He looks after Safety, the field condition and maintenance and the CFI & Instruction program.
- I am the President (and I don't really know what I do!)  I have the tie-breaking vote and smile a lot.
- Jack was the Events Director.  He organised the calendar, planned the events, organised volunteers and executed the events and produced the Tickler.

In Jacks absence, Graham, Andy, Michael, Greg, Frank & I have all tried to fill the operational gaps left by Jack.  I think we just managed to do that. 

But in the December elections, we are looking for a new Board member.  The honest preference would be for someone who would be willing and able to do what Jack did.  But we could re-distribute tasks if this sounds less scary.

As a Board, we meet 2 or 3 times a year, usually once just after the end of the flying season (to review what worked and what didn't) and once in the spring (to finalise plans for field maintenance and flying events for the upcoming year.)  Sometimes we have special meetings - in the past 2 years we have had 3; 1 for the runway, 1 for the Training program and 1 when Jack passed.  Most of the other business is done via email, and other than that we all just try to support the flying and planned club events.  We try to operate as a Board by the motto of the club and have fun whilst we do business.

If you feel that you could help your Club, and are willing to invest the time, please see an existing Board member to submit your candidacy.
