Sorry I couldn't be at the pilot's meeting tonight

Started by bfeist, February 10, 2016, 07:20:08 PM

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Hey Ben
We missed you as well...
Once again it was a great meeting the night flew at high speed.
there was a non stop verbal support and questions for our presenters on Quad racing.
Very interesting on how this is evolving.
Then there was racing at Temac yes or no???..... that is the question
Show and tell was awesome.
keep an eye out for Tickler it will be a good one.

My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!

Andy Hoffer

Yes, it was a great Pilots Meeting.  Highlight of the night was Frank trying to find the wings on one of the Hagens' quad frames!! ;D



great meeting last night !!

The Hangens bros did a great job with their FPV presentation; as BJ said there was lots of discussion about it :)

Also looking forward to Simon's 2016 proposal for racin'

"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Always a good time when TEMAC people get together.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


We missed you too, Ben.  But don't worry - you can make up for it next month!

I tried to hype you up (with the Apollo 17 success) but not sure they believed you'd been to the moon!

Frank v B

Great meeting.  Great to see other people getting picked on....finally.

Andy, re: "Frank trying to find the wings on one of the Hagens' quad frames!! ;D"

I was not trying to find the wings. I had just picked them off!  :D


"Never trade luck for skill"


Yes the new quad pilots are getting picked on because we fly without wings!!
"What kind of black magic is that??"
By the way to add to the discussion, quads can be dangerous in inexperienced hands, but the exact same dangers come from an inexperienced pilot flying an EF-1, Piker class or any 60mph+ plane. The only difference is that a quad can hover ... actually 3D planes can hover too  :-\ and I have seen Andy fly is GeeBee backwards (in high winds)... never mind, there is no difference other than the sorcery of flying without wings!!  :P


No one really means to pick on anyone.  :)

My concern at the meeting was about flying things that do not conform to the flying circuit, helis and 3D flying models included.



     Certainly miss you Ben, Hope to see you soon.
