Joining TEMAC for 2016 - new mamber

Started by marks, February 23, 2016, 05:16:17 PM

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Hi all, I'd like to join the club for 2016, however the fees and contact info on the club website is from 2014, just wondering current fees and where to send in a cheque?  Info would be appreciated.  Thanks Mark



Membership is now $600 per year, and all new members need to bring coffee and Timbits to the field for all instructors.

Don't send a cheque; meet me at the field and pay cash.



I'm very sorry about Michael, Mark! Welcome to the forum.

We haven't increased our fees since 2014 (in fact, I think its longer than that) so everything is current and accurate.

Watch out for notice of our next pilots meeting and feel free to join us.


Thanks guys...yes I hope to join the pilots meeting...and looking forward to meeting members.


Actually, I can.


Welcome to the club, Mark! 

These guys are a great bunch who just want to have fun with the hobby.


My god, that's a small aeroplane in your Avatar there, Mark!

Just checking - you do know we are an electric only club?


oh ya I know it's just electric...I have gone full circle in RC planes...started with small nitro years ago, went up to giant scale gas (35%)...then found it took too much time to assemble, tinker, tune, etc to run these gassers...and so I bought a few small 3D electrics for when I was in a rush but still wanted to fly....we'll it turns out over time I just kept grabbing my electrics, so easy to just "throw and go"...sold all my gassers, and now just having fun with electrics!

A good friend of mine suggested I join TEMAC, he says you're a great bunch to fly with!

Where are the club winter meetings held?


Andy Hoffer

Hi Mark:

Monthly Pilots Meetings are held at Colonel Mustard's Bar & Grill

6545 Hwy 7 (west of Ninth Line,  east of Markham Rd)
Markham, ON L3P 3B4

Phone:(905) 294-4925

Next meeting is Wednesday March 9 at 6:00 p.m. The guys meet on the main floor in the pub for dinner, and then we move down to the basement for the meeting some time between 7 and 7:30.  Meeting usually goes till around 9:00 or 9:30 pm.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Andy Hoffer
Secretary-Treasurer, TEMAC


Thanks all...I hope to attend the next meeting.