2017 flight instruction

Started by Michael, April 30, 2017, 07:03:32 AM

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Welcome to TEMAC's 2017 model flight training program.

I am the new Chief Flight Instructor, and I want to make this season a fun and productive time for all new pilots. New pilots must either show that they are qualified flyers, or learn the skills necessary, to safely and successfully fly at TEMAC without the help of an instructor. The scheduled training time is Wednesday evenings, 6pm until dusk, May through September. (These Wednesday evenings are for flight instruction only; Members with wings are asked not to fly.) If this is not suitable, let me know, and we will see if it possible to make other arrangements. Nothing is guaranteed.

Earning your wings allows you to fly solo at TEMAC at any time (following all the rules and procedures, of course). Requirements are not difficult, as the success of many pilots in previous seasons has shown.

The main skills required are: to prepare your model aircraft for flight, take off, fly the 'circuit', turn in both directions, land safely, retrieve your model aircraft, at least twice consecutively. Others feel that making a roll (360 degrees twist) and a full loop should be required to earn one's wings, but these are really quite easy, and I'd be happy to teach these to anyone ready to fly solo.

Decisions for awarding wings are made by the president of the club and me.

I've been flying model airplanes for over 30 years, and have been instructing for more than 10, but I am by far not the best instructor, nor the best flyer in the club. TEMAC has a team of fantastic instructors, and I encourage all new student pilots to get some flying time with each instructor; this way you will experience a variety of techniques and styles.

The team of instructors are passionate and happy about teaching others to fly; we volunteer our time and dedicate our efforts for the training evenings. However, we ask that student pilots respect our non-volunteer time; we are also passionate about enjoying our hobby for their own benefit and enjoyment.

I will announce/confirm on this website, in this forum, Wednesday mornings, that flight instruction will proceed as scheduled, depending on the weather and forecast.

Michael Rogozinsky



Thank you again to Michael for volunteering to be our CFI for 2017. This is fabulous for the club.

I'd like to just elaborate a little on something that Michael said so politely....

Quote from: Michael on April 30, 2017, 07:03:32 AM
The team of instructors are passionate and happy about teaching others to fly; we volunteer our time and dedicate our efforts for the training evenings. However, we ask that student pilots respect our non-volunteer time; we are also passionate about enjoying our hobby for their own benefit and enjoyment.

For all of our eager students and especially new members, please remember that Wednesday is training night. Whilst being an Instructor is fun and rewarding, it's not always relaxing! And Instructors do like to fly their planes to relax. So please don't approach Instructors at weekends and ask them to teach you or pressure them to fly with you on any other day than Wednesday. 

Our Instructors are all generous and kind people and they will help you on other days than Wednesday, but don't become a nuisance. By all means ask an Instructor ahead of time if they would be willing to fly with you at a weekend. But please don't pester them and remember "no" is an answer.

Here's to a great 2017 training season!



This coming flying season is going to be a blast for all members of TEMAC.

Wednesday evenings are the primary instruction night for students and for monitoring their flying progress necessary for achieving their 'wings'.  As noted, the decision for awarding 'wings' to students is made by Michael (TEMACs CFI) and Simon, (TEMAC's President).  There are many dedicated instructors in the club.

In addition to Wednesday evenings, there are 4 volunteer instructors willing to assist students by appointment during regular week days, usually in the morning. (Sorry Simon for mentioning flying weekdays but...) 

We love to fly, are retired (or somewhat close to it) and get a great deal of enjoyment flying with others and helping students get additional stick time in an effort to help them achieve their 'wings'.  We are part of a group known in TEMAC as the 'morning crew'.

Myself, Vick Whitmore, Athol Cohan and Craig Campbell are once again volunteering (by appointment this year) to assist students.  Each of us can be contacted by 'personal messaging' through the forum or meeting with us at Student Night.  After initial contact, telephone coordination for scheduling an appointment will work for many of us.

Remember having fun in this hobby is where it's at. However SAFETY is Paramount.  Please don't fly without an instructor if you haven't achieved your wings.

Welcome to club. 




Much as I hate the fact you get to fly in the mornings and daytime during the week (not really!) I am so happy and grateful to you for doing this!


What a great extension/addition/asset to the TEMAC flight training program.

Thank you!

Frank v B

Thank you Michael and thank you Bruce.

re Simon's comment to Bruce's offer "I am so happy and grateful to you for doing this!"

Simon, Bruce is just trying to spare students from being taught by guys like you and me. ;D
It is great for people to have an option other than Wednesday nights.

In addition to Michael's comment on "Members with wings are asked not to fly.", I would like to add that if a solo'd member does get a chance to fly, please make sure the plane is no faster than a trainer.  It is very disheartening for students flying an Apprentice when a 6S jet comes screaming by.  I know it has startled me while teaching. :(

"Never trade luck for skill"


Michael. Congrats from Mexico. I will be happy to volunteer as an instructor this year, if needed. If not needed as an instructor, I will still be there Wednesdays to offer whatever assistance is needed.
What could possibly go wrong?


Looking forward to your assistance, Rob!  :)


Will the Apprentice be there tonight?  Ethan and I were planning on coming but he will need the plane to fly.  Hopefully see you later!
Tory & Ethan & maybe Alex