Morning Crew application form

Started by Frank v B, October 17, 2017, 10:37:11 PM

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Frank v B

Bruce and his sidekicks of the Morning Crew:

There are three people ready to join the retired set and therefore the Morning Crew.  Andy Hoffer(ret), Rob Dickinson (ret next year) and myself (retireable next year*) would like to send in our applications.  It will probably be a long process.  :D


* read as "slowing down, never retiring"
"Never trade luck for skill"


Due to the recent spike in interest shown by unsavory characters a number of people wishing to join the morning crew; please be advised that we are in the process of updating the application form for Morning Crew Membership.  We apologize for the delay this may cause. The new application will be posted upon completion.

Thanks for warning us showing your interest. 

Yours truly,
Bruce (Morning Crew Membership Committee Coordinator)


Hi Bruce,
One of the three of us applicants will get in contact with you if we haven't heard back within a few weeks, in case you have forgotten you were updating the application, or maybe have just gone to sleep.

Rob, et al.
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B

Hey Rob,

Thanks for the post and promising to wake up Bruce. 
I hope Bruce develops the application form soon.  The longer he takes, the greater the chance that his dear wife will get involved in preparing the application form.  I don't fear Bruce, but I do fear his wife Katie.  She will have us hanging from the rafters in no time.  Let's pray the application form is generated by the Morning Crew alone. ;D

Set your alarm (calendar).

"Never trade luck for skill"


I'm hopping to be filling out one of them applications come the new year
Or maybe I'll just be a guest that happens to show up all the time.
like a relative that comes for dinner and does not leave
I think I can sneak in and be unnoticed if I'm flying a warwing 
I'll fly into there flight path so they think they hit me..
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


You know, BJ might be on to something there. If we just show up and fly Warwings, they might not even notice we are there!
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B


re:"they might not even notice we are there!"

"Let sleeping dogs lie"*


...or , in this case, let lying dogs sleep. ;D
"Never trade luck for skill"


only 25 more years until I get to join. can't wait.

Frank v B


Great to hear from you.  25 years from now Bruce will be processing the Morning Crew application forms from his wheel chair at the ripe old age of about 90.  Why is this starting to sound like punishment for me. ;D
Of course, in 25 years you will be in the NASA hall of fame as the world's leading expert on Apollo 17.

In 25 years the Morning Crew will be know as the "Eventual Crew".  By the time they get up and dressed it will be much later in the day.  Maybe they should change their name to the "Dusk Patrol".... and I will still be a junior member. ;)


"Never trade luck for skill"


re: "they might not even notice we are there!"

What do you think, we're senile? Some of us might be, but we don't notice.

All of the comments on the Forum about people wishing to join the Morning Crew has created quite a stir.  In consideration, the Morning Crew Membership Committee hastily held a meeting today to discuss the matter and the potential applicants.  This could be a good thing or a bad thing. (for the applicants)

The committee agreed that we can't hastily have people join us without reasonable forethought, discussions, considerations, bribery etc.

In order to possibly facilitate newbies, we are diligently working towards updating the application process.  (More to come.)

The photo (which you can't see because it is too large to install) denotes the current Membership Committee attending the meeting today.  NOTE: Athol is also a member (not in the picture), but someone had to take the picture. 

(The photo of the committee will be posted once I find out how to reduce its size.)

Bruce (Committee Chairman)


Here is the photo!

Frank v B

I counted exactly 12 people (incl Athol). 
The Last Supper? :D


ps: in case of a tie ....who casts the deciding vote?  Always better to have an odd number (13!).... or spring the vote the minute 11 wake up from their afternoon nap. :D
"Never trade luck for skill"


re: only 25 more years until I get to join. can't wait.

Ben, you don't have to wait 25 years to try out the morning crew.  You just need an excuse or the opportunity to get away from that other thing that keeps you from doing it.  Flying with us doesn't have to be a full-time thing. You would enjoy it even if it were only for a brief moment.

Of course realize if your presence is only periodic, you will have to re-introduce yourself to the members each time you arrive. Alternatively, if you are considerate, would you mind coming to the field wearing a name tag? 


I counted exactly 12 people (incl Athol). 
The Last Supper?

Ok, which one is Judas?
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B


re: "to re-introduce yourself to the members each time you arrive. "

Is that because there may be a few weeks between Ben's visits or because you all have Altzheimer's?

ps: I did not know the Last Supper was held at the Swiss Chalet at Yonge and 16th!


re: "Ok, which one is Judas?"

All twelve of them!  :D

"Never trade luck for skill"