What is growing at Rogo Field.

Started by Frank v B, June 28, 2019, 11:05:38 PM

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Frank v B

Last week they seeded the farmer's field around our runway.  I picked up errant seeds and gave some to my 5 year-old grandson.  His assignment is to grow them and identify the crop.  That will keep him busy. ;D

I took about 5 seeds and placed them in a glass with a paper towel and put in some water on Monday.  This photo was taken 4 days later.  The seeds have already sprouted.

Bruce, our glorious CFI guessed they were soybean seeds.  Don't tell my grandson. ;)


"Never trade luck for skill"


Hmm, if those are beans you might be getting yourself in trouble with the lawyers at Monsanto  ;)


That much growth in 4 days???  Them's magic beans.

Frank v B


They are fertilized with balsa and Foam carefully spread all over the field. :D

"Never trade luck for skill"