Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5

Started by davidk, July 26, 2019, 09:55:34 AM

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Here are 2 great builds of the S.E.5.   Since only 1 tri-wing was ever made, we're trying to convince Bruce to make it detachable and share it with other S.E.5 pilots.   ;)


My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


Quote from: davidk on July 26, 2019, 09:55:34 AM
Here are 2 great builds of the S.E.5.   Since only 1 tri-wing was ever made, we're trying to convince Bruce to make it detachable and share it with other S.E.5 pilots.   ;)

@davidk - I know you're relatively new to the hobby and TEMAC so I will tell you how it is... 'great builds' are not things that BJ and I are known for.  It would be nice, but not so. 

BJs model aircraft would be considered an ARF, (almost ready to fly type of kit) meaning nearly everyone could put it together, even @Frank v B or yourself.  (Using the term 'kit' is also not correct, but I'll leave that for another lesson.)

Technically, BJ's plane is a scale replica of a World War I SE5A.  It is a beautiful model aircraft to own, fly and do other things with - desired or not. :'(

I have had two of these beautiful models, which no longer fly in their original form.  (I bet you can't guess where the motors and the ESCs were put to use in?)  I still have a new one in the box, waiting to be ARFed together at some time in the future.  'ARFed together' should not to be confused with the term 'build'. 

Anyways, the other remaining parts of the two airplanes just sat around.  So after looking at them for a while, I took on a personal challenge to use the parts to 'put together' (not 'build') a Sopwith Triplane look-a-like.  (Not scale, just a look-a-like.  That means that when you look at a model of this nature and it still doesn't appear to resemble the one it is supposed to, you aren't standing back far enough and you really need to squint more, take off your glasses, and close your good eye.)

If you want more details on how the Sopwith Triplane look-a-like was put together, please refer to,6386.msg41346.html#msg41346

If you want to know what a 'great build' involves or looks like, go to the Forum section 'Building / Construction'  and look at the many of topics that are not associated with my name or BJ's,  where many of our skilled TEMAC members have crafted beautiful flying models.

Keep smiling Dave. I am glad that you were impressed with BJ's and my models. 

This reply is just a lesson in terminology.  We don't want to offend anyone, do we?  ;D


I've enhanced my vocab... but... after reading through your Sopwith Triplane Look-a-like thread I hope you'll accept a compromise and call that a build with a small "b" 'cause that's pretty cool.

Frank v B


What Bruce is really saying is that every time he has a spare wing from a crash, he wants to create a new airplane.  His objective is below.  You can tell from the way he flies that he will have this built in no time. ;D

"Never trade luck for skill"