A most enjoyable afternoon.

Started by WilliamA, July 26, 2019, 06:58:58 PM

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Hi Everyone,      At a request for an instructor for Friday 26th July, for a few hours, especially for my grandson Joseph, who has been bogged down with his summer activities and has not been able to attend  flying instructions on Wednesdays , i was fortunate to obtain the services of CFI Bruce who generously offered to come and give Joseph a few pointers.
The afternoon was hot and a little windy but flying his Mini Apprentice and under the guidance and expert tutorledge of  CFI Bruce  Joseph was able to manoeuvre flying square patterns and taking off and landing even though this was his second session at ROGO field. Hats off and a big high five to Joseph and to CFI Bruce.
Special mention goes also to Richard who had been very helpful in ironing out some difficulties with the buddy system control.
Unfortunately, the weather changed and ended the afternoon as it started to rain and thunder could be heard in the distance.
Again ,special THANK YOU to CFI Bruce and Richard .
This is what makes TEMAC a great flying club.              William.