Milton Oakville Swap meet- this coming Sunday Feb 2, 2020

Started by Frank v B, January 26, 2020, 12:28:11 PM

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Frank v B

I will be going.  They usually let people in early (9 am).  The flyer says 9-12. the MAAC posting says 8:00-12:00.  Usually set-up starts at 8 am and scavengers are let in at 9 am.

I will be at the Tim's in the main floor of the hotel about 500 meters towards the lake from the QEW off Hiway 25.  You can see the white hotel before you exit.  It is only about 5 minutes to the venue from there.

This swap meet is smaller than Kitchener but there is always something of good value that follows me home. ;)

"Never trade luck for skill"


Frank v B


I have to work on Sunday for several hours after the swap meet so I will be driving myself and probably taking off once I have bagged my limit. :D


"Never trade luck for skill"


 Hi Frank,
I will see you at Timmy's for a coffee.


Frank v B

Glenn and I visited the swap meet.  I did not come away empty-handed.

- a 6S 3.3 AH  Nano Tech perfectly balanced for $15.00
- an Eflite 32 for $10.00
- a New in box AERODRIVE TURINGY 450 (2832-1020) with prop adapter and X mount for $10.00 for a new project.

Some deals to be had but attendance was way down.  The poor guys who tried to sell glow motors.  Perfectly good .45 or .46 were priced at $35 and not moving (a $125 motor).  I saw some off-brand ones for $15.  Some people are still trying to make money on junk to recuperate their investment.  The guys I like are the ones who considers the stuff taking up storage space and found money.  "Vintage Kits" like the Guillows P-38 for $80.00 (opened)  Same size and collection as the B-25 kit I bought at Kitchener for $20.00...still factory shrink-wrapped.

Moment of the day... Dr. Jack Linghorne*  tapped me in the shoulder.  He looked good.  His advice to me was not to retire.  He has been retired for 20 years and it  still bothers him.


* Jack was one of the founding members of the EMFSO (Electric Model Flyers of Southern Ontario) and was into electrics very early.... just after Edison invented the light bulb.   ;D
"Never trade luck for skill"