Flying Friday, December 11...this year. (2020)

Started by Frank v B, December 10, 2020, 10:34:33 AM

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Frank v B

Andy and I are tentatively meeting at Rogo Field at 1 pm tomorrow (Friday).
At noon, I will be acting as delivery boy* for Guy's Spitfire plans courtesy of Pat MacKenzie then going on to the field to meet Andy at 1 pm.


* a promotion!!
"Never trade luck for skill"


DARN!!! I have a work thing at 1:30 on Friday.  :(  I would rather be flying...
Looking forward to seeing you (and hopefully @Andy Hoffer as well) on Friday!


If the weather is reasonable, I will be there too.

I flew today with Glenn and David. The weather was amazing! Winds were almost 0 (zero!) and it was about +6 degrees.

I flew my older Aeronaut Catalina off the snow today. It was Exhilarating!


Andy Hoffer

@Michael that is a beautiful plane.  What is the wingspan and power?





I was sorry not to have been able to make it today. I will be there for sure tomorrow. I am going to bring my Laker to see how it flies.
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B

What a beautiful day.  At one point I counted 14 cars in the parking lot.

Most planes were soft water planes flying off hard water.  Then there was Simon Chapman who maidened his highly aerobatic plane with the help of Simon H.'s launching arm.

Photo   99- The Simons discussing hand launching the new airplane
Photo 100- Glenn getting ready for another tough day at work.
Photo 102- Michael and Peter discussing floats and hard water.
Photo 103- Michael and his PBY.  It flew majestically.
Photo 104- Simon Chapman testing "low rates" on his new plane.
Photo 106- Simon H. cranking up his launching arm.
Photo 107- Simon C. and his small egg beater.
Photo 108- Looks like Andy's car is ready for a dump-run.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Frank v B on December 11, 2020, 05:32:34 PM
What a beautiful day.  At one point I counted 14 cars in the parking lot.

Most planes were soft water planes flying off hard water.  Then there was Simon Chapman who maidened his highly aerobatic plane with the help of Simon H.'s launching arm.

Photo   99- The Simons discussing hand launching the new airplane
Photo 100- Glenn getting ready for another tough day at work.
Photo 102- Michael and Peter discussing floats and hard water.
Photo 103- Michael and his PBY.  It flew majestically.
Photo 104- Simon Chapman testing "low rates" on his new plane.
Photo 106- Simon H. cranking up his launching arm.
Photo 107- Simon C. and his small egg beater.
Photo 108- Looks like Andy's car is ready for a dump-run.


This is the result of parking in close proximity to @Frank v B 's van.  My planes saw the back of his van (actually the entire interior) and seized on the opportunity to follow a bad behavioural example.  i will have a talk with my planes to nip this in the bud!!  8)