Election thread for 2022-2023 TEMAC board

Started by Michael, November 11, 2021, 06:55:00 PM

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So far, 3 TEMAC board members are standing for re-election: Michael Rogozinsky for President, David Kates for Vice President, and Rob Dickinson for Special-Events Coordinator. Athol Cohen will not be standing for another term as Secretary-Treasurer, but has nominated Mark Satin for the position, and has offered to help Mark transition into that position should he be elected or acclaimed.

If any member wants to declare themselves as a candidate for a position on the board, or to nominate another, please do so in this thread.

If no other members declare themselves as a candidate, or nominate anyone else as a candidate by the end of November, than the above mentioned roster will be acclaimed.


To the Membership of TEMAC
I find it disconcerting that besides Mark Satin, there are no other members interested in offering their names for election to the Board of Directors of TEMAC.

What this means is that either you are very happy with the way the club is running or don't want to be involved in the club, beyond just going to the field and flying. Yes, this is the main purpose of joining the club, but looking to improving the operation of the club should be the next serious consideration.

There is a saying that "you get the government you deserve" – not getting involved leaves all creativity to the few that do offer their services to the club.

This is your club – get involved.




The new TEMAC board, for 2022 and 2023, has now been acclaimed.

Michael Rogozinsky as President, David Kates as Vice President, Rob Dickinson as Special-Events Coordinator and Mark Satin as Secretary-Treasurer.

Due to the circumstances preventing us from having our usual indoor meetings, and pushing us to move forward with this election using (temporarily) unusual methods, I would ask any TEMAC member in good standing to formally recognize the election/acclamation, and another member to second that motion.


Congrats Gents!  I would like to formally recognize and also thank you.  A great Board to lead a Great Club.

Simon H







You never fail until you stop trying


Yah Mark
Welcome to the board
And thank you for stepping up
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!