Canadian International Air Show - model display offer

Started by Michael, July 11, 2022, 01:14:32 PM

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I received a letter from the Canadian International Air Show a few days ago, asking if any of our members would like to display model aircraft at the show. A few members did this a few years ago. This is not an official organized TEMAC event, but we are offering the opportunity to members who might want to participate on your own.

The letter contents are posted below. If anyone is interested, please ask me for contact information.



I am writing on behalf of the Canadian International Air Show (CIAS) which takes place over Labour Day weekend in Toronto. In 2019 we were extremely grateful to have participation from members of the Toronto Electric Model Aviation Club (TEMAC) displaying some of their amazing Aircraft within the Exclusive Airshow Zone. We would be appreciative if TEMAC were able to do so again in 2022.

Our show dates are September 3, 4 & 5, 2022 and set up would take place on September 2 with the ability to dis-assemble either September 5 after 1600 or on September 6. As a reminder our site is staffed with 24-hour security and the aircraft would be displayed behind fences within a fully enclosed tent.

Should you agree to participate, we would gladly provide your team members with tickets to the Airshow (which includes same day entrance to the CNE), some calendars for members and recognition within our calendar if desired. If you are interested in displaying with the CIAS please let me know and I will have one of our managers touch base with further details.


Lori Duthie
Executive Director, Canadian International Air Show



Hi Michael,  I was able to display 3-4 Warbirds the last time we had the opportunity and I would be more than happy to do so again.  Please forward me the contact information.  Thanks Peter




Hey Michael
I'd be interested to put a couple of planes into the desplay again.
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!



Lori Duthie
Executive Director, Canadian International Air Show
[email protected]


My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!