Found plane - cornfield south east from the runway

Started by Oscar, August 09, 2022, 11:38:37 PM

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Hello Club members,

I lost my plane today.  Its around south east from the runway about 1/2 way between the tree and the runway.  The plane is Freewing/Skynetic Havok racer.  I was on the second flight (brand new, flew second time after maiden) and I forgot the reset my timer.  The battery hits the LVC and landed at the cornfield. 

If anyone retrieving their plane (unfortunate like me) and found my plane, please bring it back and notify me.

Thank you


Thank you EVERYONE who came and rescue my plane.

Ken, Kelvin, David, Loi, Felix, Phillip, and Vadim.  Without Vadim drone rescue, its no way to able to find the plane.


Well done, Vadim.  Any luck with Mark's or yours?


With the top of the corn in frame with the drone it makes the drone look like a launched rocket.