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General Discussion / North Shore RC Modelers mentio...
Last post by PDS - January 13, 2025, 03:03:12 PM
My wife and I enjoy the CBC show "Still Standing" with comedian Johnny Harris [who also plays Crabtree in Murdoch Mysteries].  The premise of the show is that Harris will go to a small Canadian town that has fallen on hard times and meet with some of the local residents.  He then puts on a live comedy show in which he pokes fun at the town, but also points out how they have worked together to overcome adversity.

One episode this season was on Elliott Lake Ontario.  One of the people he met was Eric Goodyear of the North Shore RC modelers.  Eric took Johnny to the club field and put him on a buddy box and let him fly.  [Probably broke a few rules!].  They then participated in a dog fight which did not end well for Johnny! 

You can find the episode on the CBC Gem app.


The Other Paul

Flight Instruction / Re: 2025 Flight Instruction
Last post by Frank v B - January 12, 2025, 02:36:11 PM
Time to start of instruction:
- 115 days
- 2760 hours
- 165,600 minutes

..but who's counting?  ;)

One day closer to spring!!

Flight Instruction / 2025 Flight Instruction
Last post by Michael - January 11, 2025, 03:43:17 PM
Our esteemed Chief Flight Instructor, Frank van Beurden, has informed us that flight instruction will begin on Wednesday May 7, 2025, starting at 5pm.

Frank will probably be there earlier.

Flight instruction is available (mandatory) for any member that does not have their 'Wings', which is needed for flying at the field.

Of course, seasoned pilots are also welcome to attend, to polish their skills, if so desired.

Watch this forum for announcements by Frank, usually some time before each session.
Building / Construction / Re: Value Planes Seagull with ...
Last post by Michael - January 11, 2025, 02:18:12 PM
This is important if any of you intend to build this model.

Step 31 of the instructions says to "Position and glue" the ribs to the wing spar.

Don't glue yet!

Unless the 1-piece vertical webbing piece of balsa is installed first (step 32), which has slots for each rib, the rib spacing is impossible to determine. There are no plans; the fuselage and wings are built as a 3-D assembly.

Also, the various wing spars, including the 1-piece vertical webbing piece of balsa, have a 1/8" tab at one end, and a 3/32" tab at the other end. These tabs are "seats" for inner and outer ribs. The 1/8" tab is for the inner wing; the 3/32" tab is for the outer wing rib. This is not indicated in the instructions.

Make sure to build a right wing, and a left wing.
Building / Construction / Re: Box Fly 20- electric build
Last post by Frank v B - January 10, 2025, 09:31:57 PM
a quick and dirty way to line up a split elevator on a stabilizer.

It is always difficult to connect elevator halves when the centre has to go through the rudder. I hate the piano wire centre because you have to add a brass tube in the middle and find "neutral".

step 1- take the full elevator and mark the middle, add the hinges.  This way everything lines up.  Mark "up" on the elevator and the stab since this one is symmetrical.
step 2- add the hardwood dowel into the middle of the elevator.  I cut out a slot and flattened the back of the dowel re-inforcement.  The dowel was a bamboo skewer from the Dollar Store.
step 3- add fibreglass cloth and 5 minute epoxy and fold it over the bamboo skewer and flat out the back.  This U-shape strengthens the middle.  I put waxed paper over the fibreglass and put waxed paper over the fibreglass.  The green tape is to put pressure on glass so there were no air bubbles. Photo 61 shows the full elevator with green tape.  The photo also shows the semi-circular opening in the rudder.
step 4- cut the "V" shaped slot on the band saw for the rudder clearance.  I cut out most of it but left some balsa about the same thickness as the bamboo skewer.
step 5- add a fibreglass strip to the "V" and roll the edge of the glass around the skewer so it is 100% covered in cloth.  Photo 64.
Step 6- cover the cloth with waxed paper.  I used the cut out portion of the "V" to put even pressure on the fibreglass.  It is held in place by green tape while the epoxy cures.

Photo 66- finished. The bamboo skewer is visible.

A lot simpler than "U" shaped piano wire.  Total time about 30 minutes and that included 2 mixes of 5 minute epoxy.


Building / Construction / Re: Value Planes Seagull with ...
Last post by GuyOReilly - January 10, 2025, 04:17:59 PM
Nice looking fuselage. 
It will be interesting to see the nacelles for the motor and all that wiring.
Sure is fun when you have a project on the go.
General Discussion / Re: TEMAC Flying Report -Thurs...
Last post by Noah - January 10, 2025, 12:36:24 PM
Quote from: Noah on January 10, 2025, 11:36:15 AMgoing to try for saturday or sunday if no snow. itl be a day of decision for me
it'll probably be tomorrow as winds look more favourable and more sun then clouds. It's only like 1 degree colder
General Discussion / Re: TEMAC Flying Report -Thurs...
Last post by Michael - January 10, 2025, 11:57:10 AM
I like flying in the winter, but not when it's too cold.

I hate freezing my prop-nuts.
Building / Construction / Re: Value Planes Seagull with ...
Last post by Michael - January 10, 2025, 11:47:47 AM
Fuselage construction is finished.


- The battery hatch is larger to accommodate larger batteries.
- The windshield is removable to facilitate adjusting a 3-way gyro-stabilizer when the model is fully assembled.
- The fuselage side sheeting is constructed separately from the fuselage supporting structure. Since I likely didn't build either of these perfectly strait, they didn't line up, so I cut the side sheeting in half, trimmed it to fit, glued the pieces on, and glued in scrap balsa, so everything would line up.
- Instead of using one long laser cut part to cover the front-bottom hull, which was difficult due a needed curve against the grain, I used some scrap balsa to sheet this area with the grain parallel to the curve.

The wing is next.

General Discussion / Re: TEMAC Flying Report -Thurs...
Last post by Noah - January 10, 2025, 11:36:15 AM
going to try for saturday or sunday if no snow. itl be a day of decision for me