Where are all the TEMAC members?

Started by wollins, July 25, 2006, 12:23:04 PM

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Is it me or has anyone else noticed that there's hardly any TEMAC members out there flying on a regular basis ... compared to last year?

I try to get out about four times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, Sat and Sundays)and apart from the "regulars" like Glen, Nestor, newcomer Park and the Saturday morning crew (Keith, John, Phil etc) there's hardly a day when I go that people are flying. There's hardly anyone there even on Wednesdays! (The last couple anyways)

Gordon was a welcome sight on Sunday but nowadays it seems like anything more than FOUR people at any one time at the field constitutes a "crowd". Cmon' guys ... its not as much fun crashing ... err ... I mean flying alone!



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I have been coming in the evenings with my old folks and I would really like to come at every opportunity but I have been trying to do things I have neglected lately. The weather hasn't been great at times too. I will try to come more often.
Nestor [8)]


I was planning to go tonight but it's windy as &$%@!% and they're calling for 80% chance of thunderstorns.



Suuuuure Rob ... suuuurrrre! [:D] Even though I had heard that forecast myself I was still determined to go since I felt that it would be later in the evening that things were gonna go to crap.

Well, I just came back and I had one flight that was great ... the Yak handled the wind well (the wind at my first flight was similar to the wind at Bramalee, Rob) but by the second flight the wind picked up so intensely that I had to abort the flight after about 3 minutes. [:(]

Talk about a hairy landing! But I survived ... just had a twisted tail wheel which was suspect from the start anyways. (Good excuse to finally change it out for a sturdy one [:)])

Only Andre and Eric (can't remember for sure if that was the name ... my apologies if not [:I]) showed up after things had gotten REALLY hairy. Needless to say they didn't fly and I packed it up as well. So yes Rob ... turns out that you made the right decision. Having said that I'm going back tommorrow! Care to join me anyone? [:D]



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Glad to hear I was right  [:D]  I was worried you were going to say you had a great evening of flying.

I'll plan to go tomorrow night (whether you believe it or not).



Well, we (myself, Nestor, Ronald, Park and Eric) had a fantastic evening of flying today.  Hardly any wind ... and NO rain! With a little help from myself, Eric got in three flights on the Bucaneer and he got better and better with each flight! [:)]  

Park and Ronald flew the pants off of their speed 400 size planes and we actually got a successful launch with Nestor's Micro-Jet which is notoriously hard to launch.  

All in all ... a great time was had by all even though a certain "someone" didn't show as promised! [:D](But we did miss him [;)])



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Crap!!!  I didn't bother going because at 5:30 the trees were still swinging around like crazy.  I figured it was going to be another windy night.  Instead I had to spend the evening at the mall and the grocery store.

Must be nice to have the freedom to go to TEMAC every night  [;)]

Maybe Saturday morning......



<<< Park and Ronald flew the pants off ...>>>

Just to clarify that Park and I did not have our pants off at the field nor off the field.  We just had lot of lipo packs to keep us flying round and round.

We keep asking when the *you-know-who* will come as the wind condition is so calm.  Nice evening.


[:(!]  I'm going to take up knitting.    ([;)])


Hey Rob, in your defense it was VERY iffy for me too around 5.30 because it did seem like it was gonna storm at one point.  However because I had made "sorta" made a committment to Eric the previous day to go and help him, I guess that pushed me off the fence. [:)]

If it were just up to me I MAY not have gone especially since it is at least a 45 minute drive for me to get there with good traffic! So don't take up knitting yet ... (not on our account anyways!) afterall who would we "newbies" turn to in a crunch, right? [:D](for spare parts and help - re:Kingston ... for timely advice based on tons of experience - re: anytime we see you ... etc)

I guess what I'm saying is ... even if you don't show nearly as much these days at Temac as we'd like ... we still appreciate you! (awwwww ... a'int that sweet? [:D])



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I know I'm fairly new this game, but Saturday morning usally has a good turn-out. There's always an instructor or two, so us newbies can get a few flights in!

Also, I have have a few days off soon, so I'm hoping to show up for Wednesday's!

FYI....the E-Starter is still in one piece...thanks to great instruction form TEMAC members!



Saturday a.m. (July 30) was just great.. the TEMAC parking lot was full.

Piker showed up -- hurray!  He arrived at 8:00 am, and didn't leave until well after 1:00, so I think he has done his bit for the side.

Thanks to his expert assistance, I got my Robbe 2.2 meter e-glider into the air, and it performed superbly.

With help from Andre I also managed the first decent flight of my new Electrostreak.  Although it is equipped  with old technology (Endoplasma, Great Planes gearbox, and 8 cell 2200 mah nimh), it rocks!

On Sunday afternoon Simon K and I had the field to ourselves.  (Simon has a new Spitfire, by the way, a Czech ARF that is a sight to be seen!)

There were a few dtops of rain, but light summer breezes encouraged me to take my e-Streak and Formosa up for many relaxing flights, which included a couple of attempts at Cuban 8s.

Nice flying weekend.  Here's hoping we have many more this summer.

Gordon Braun-Woodbury
"How on earth do I land this thing?"


I've been busy at work from mid-June to mid-July, frustrated with lousy weather on Wed. evenings, and away on vacation, until tonight.

I have the next week off from work as well, and plan to fly at TEMAC as much as possible, and will arrange help for any beginners.

I was going to miss the York funfly, but now it seems I should be able to be there on the Sunday. It'll be fun flying my big Super Cub from that terrific runway.



Good to see you back, Michael! As you can see from my original post, I've noticed that there's not been a big a turnout on any consistent basis this season, as last. I'm sure that out inconsistent weather has contributed to that. [:(]

However since my observation and subsequent comments here, at least one person who showed up attributed it to my observation! [;)] (Was great to see you the other day Ronald!)

Saturday was a great day in terms of turnout despite the fact that you could have fried an egg from the inside out on any surface that day. [:p] We (Robert, Derek, Gordon etc) were sitting under my sun shelter just shooting the breeze and we were sweating like crazy!  Notwithstanding that we had a great time and I left last around 2pm when the rain finally came. (in spades)

Going out this evening (if the weather stays fine) ... anyone else?


P.S. Hey Gordon ... did Simon fly the Spit?


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I plan on flying this afternoon.

Probably after lunch.
