TEMAC Online General Meeting

Started by Michael, September 29, 2004, 12:03:05 PM

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Welcome to the TEMAC online meeting. All TEMAC members are welcome to join in the discussion and comment, suggest, ask, and complain about anything you want.

Overall, our first year has been quite successful. Almost all members have flown multiple times, and our funfly was a lot of fun.

The purpose here is to prepare for the 2005 flying season. This "online meeting" will end on Oct. 8, 2005.

There have been many suggestions and criticisms over the summer, but only a small amount of physical, concrete and financial contributions. (A great and sincere thanks to all those who contributed with field work, tables, windsock, frequency board, training instruction, and more). Our most basic need is for money.

Please comment (agree or disagree - if you disagree, please offer a constructive alternative) with the following:

1. a: Field - a new lease is being prepared for the same piece of land for the 2005 season, for the same price as last year - $1,200. Note, the surrounding crop is expected to be soy beans - only about 2 feet high when fully grown.

b: We need a new fence. Some members have mentioned that they have steel rod available. We need about 200 linear feet of a good quality fence product. If this can be donated and installed by various members, it would help.

c: Flightline. It has been suggested that we move the flightline fence about 25 feet east to make the pits area a little larger, and to have the flyer standing positions closer to the smoother part of the field. This would also allow for more parking (we were packed during the funfly).

d: Smoother and richer grass field. John Werner has already purchased more grass seeds and is planning to put them down. Our grass cutter, Brian Gillian, has removed most of the rocks from the field.  Many people have suggested that we "roll" the field to smooth it out more. Can anyone take this suggestion to the point of action: a person who can do it, when can they do it, and how much will it cost?

e: Mowing. Brian Gillian, president of the nearby Helicopter club, takes care of the grass cutting and field maintenance for $75 a week. He's doing a great job. I would like to stop cutting grass in October, and start again in spring. Any objections?

2. Membership fees and late/initiation fees - Still only $80 for the year ($65 to TEMAC and $15 to EMFSO), but, as suggested by other members, the price is good only to new and renewing members before Jan. 1, 2005. After that date, a $30 initiation or late fee will apply. This initiation fee will apply to all new members after that date.

3. Winter flying. As we know, the field and driveway can get very wet and messy in poor weather. The field is leased by us year round. Flyers can park at the outer section of the field and walk in. In order to park closer, rocks and gravel would have to be put on the driveway, however, this is illegal on land intended for farming. Our farmer said we can put some down. Any suggestions?

4. Toilet. Several members have requested a "porta-potty from April through September. This would likely cost around $900. Any comments?

5. I'd like to schedule another funfly near the end of next summer. Any suggestions as to days (Sat or Sun or both), and dates?

6. I would like to post an updated list of paid TEMAC members and their "WINGS" status on the frequency board door interior.

We currantly have 44 members, 2 of which are paid through 2005.
We have $1,110.38 in the bank today
TEMAC owes the EMFSO $165 which is payable in March 2005.
TEMAC owes $1,200. for the 2005 lease, $500 of which is payable this week.
TEMAC owes our lawyer and unspecified amount for unfinished business related to our incorporation.
TEMAC owes $300 for mowing for Sept.

TEMAC owes  $718.71 to me, but this can be paid back in a few years, if the club can afford it.

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is available to all members for examination, by email, upon request.

And finally, a reminder to all members: Please send in your cheque for $80 (or more to make a contribution) for your 2005 membership. As noted above, this will be $110 after Jan. 1, 2005.

Send to

TEMAC - Michael Rogozinsky
165 Tycos Drive
Toronto, ON
M6B 1W6


bald warthog

1A-agree. Excellent location & site ! Good choice !
1B-if not donated & you have to buy,I'll contribute financially
1D-I am willing to contribute financially to the rolling fund
1E-agree-he's doing a great job.I don't think we need to cut the grass after mid-OCT, I don't do it at home.
2-agree.We may have to increase dues to meet costs. I'm willing to pay more, $65 is cheap.Of course there will always be those who think Life shudn't cost anything.
4-almost essential, and having it for the FunFly was great.Doesn't seem to cost much more to have it all season.
5-agree. Same weekend as 2004,we had an overwhelming turnout so there couldn't have been too many conflicts for people. One day early in our history is good. We can eventually grow to 2 days.
6-agree. Users shud pay, non-payers shudn't use.
Regards, Rod ..... TEMAC member
Rod Clark C.E.T.
MAAC 69870


1. a: Field - any chance of negotiaiting a little more room to the south?

1. b and d: fence/grass - I will personally contribute $50 to the fence/grass fund.

1. c:  Agree on moving flightline, but also see my response to a: above.

1. e: agree, and stop in mid-October.

2. agree.  Dues are affordable and good value.

3. winter flying... I know that some members are really keen on this, and so I think we should cost it out.

4. Toilet.  We managed without one at the 14th for 10 years.  I think improving the field is a better use of $900.

5.  September funfly s/b one day; Saturday is best so we get the benefit of Andre.

6. Yes to membership list.

Cheque's in the mail.

- Gordon


A fantastic first year at TEMAC.  I'm looking forward to an even better year next year.

Work:  I feel, other than fencing, the main priority is getting that low spot in the driveway leveled and stable.  John and I had planned to get up there and do it, but we've both been very busy.  I suggest that a load of gravel (2 yards) be delivered and dumped NEAR the area that needs to be filled.  Then a specific day and time arranged so volunteers can come out with shovels and rakes and do the required work.  I say to bump the gravel NEAR to spot so we can get the ground leveled and prepared before the gravel is added.

Fencing:  How much is available for donation?  If not very much, then would it cost more to fill in the rest with metal, or would it be cheaper to just build the entire length from wood?

Flightline: My only objustion to possible moving the flightline to the East is that it will make cross field take-off harder (in case of a strong cross wind).  However, I did not experience this condition at the field this year.  What is everyone's experiences?

Rolling:  A roler can be purchaed at Canadian Tire for a reasonable amount.  We could probably fill it from a hose from the lumber yard or other nearby neighbour.  This could be towed by hand by a couple of people.  I think this would be a worthwhile investment as it would allow regular and convenient rolling.  However, ownership of something like this would require a place to store it. A small storage box may be a good option for now.  It can double as a workbench.  Heck, why not close in under one of the tables and use that?

Cutting:  No problem stopping in Oct (I assume.  I haven't been to TEMAC for a while)

Membership:  I agree.  Keep the membership the same, but a small increase next year would probably be O.K.  An initiation fee after Jan. 1 is a good idea.

Winter Flying:  See above for driveway improvements.  Beyond that, use at own risk (and don't mess it up) in wet seasons.

Toilet:  I agree with Gordon.  I don't see a need for it except at events.

Fun Fly:  Same time works well for the EMFSO schedule.

Financial:  For the first year, it looks like things are going very well.  TEMAC will be an influx of money with membership renewals to help cover the lease for next year.



Hi Micheal,

I can't offer any input as far as the quality of the field goes, but overall it seems like TEMAC is on the right track. The shorter crop for 2005 is a good thing. At Bramalea when we have lost the planes in corn the farmer usually brings them back as they cut the dried stalks(usually worse for wear but at least you get the radio bits back).
I think rolling is good idea, smoother is better. If the ground is soft a small roller might do. If the ground is firm we may want to call a local landscape place and see if they will heavy roll it for a small fee.

Keep up the good work. I'm in for another year.

Ken Wilton



1. a: Agree, a good field that will certainly be better next year.
b: Agree.
c: Flightline.Disagree.  I'm not sure that this is a currently a problem, and beginners like me will nee all the flying area we can get.
d: Agree
e: No  objections
2. Agree.
3. None
4. Toilet. I think that we could spend 900 dollars a lot better.  I would vote no.
5. Any dates are fine.
6. Okay by me.




1. a: Field - OK
b: We need a new fence. Some members have mentioned that they have steel rod available. We need about 200 linear feet of a good quality fence product. If this can be donated and installed by various members, it would help.

For starters why do we need a fence ?  why can we not have the pit flight line delineated by a wire or what we have. Chain link is very expensive when you're talking 200' and it is very permanent when we don't know how long the farmer or OWNER will honour the agreement. If for MAAC reasons we need a fence , snow fencing should do the trick. As for help count me in.

c: Flightline. It has been suggested that we move the flightline fence about 25 feet

It was always my understanding that the proper runway was to be used when the grass was ready. I believe we also talked about a buffer zone of 10-15' of longer grass at the flight line ith walkways cut at every flight station.

d: Smoother and richer grass field. John Werner has already purchased more grass seeds and is planning to put them down.

100 lbs of seed will be sown on both the runway and pit area shortly.

Many people have suggested that we "roll" the field to smooth it out more.

Due to the nature of the very heavy clay soil we have, I recomend that the turf be left for another year to let it establish and get healthier. I am not a fan of rolling because of the major damage it can cause and the YEARS it takes to recover from overly compacted clay soil. The only way I can see rolling the field in the future is in conjunction with aerating it shortly after.

e: Mowing. Brian Gillian, president of the nearby Helicopter club, takes care of the grass cutting and field maintenance for $75 a week.

In a typical season of cutting once a week that comes out to  $75 X 23 =  $ 1725.00 with that kind of money going out every year, we could easily buy a riding mower  and throw it away every year.
I've mentioned this before. We could quite easily buy a used riding mower for $500 + to cut our own grass and our only expense would be about $100 for gas. Let's build a shed at the field to store it in and if it's stolen we'll reassess the situation or we could trailer it to and from the field. As we've already discussed most of us don't have the space  or inclination to store a mower.Cutting duties could be assigned on a weeekly basis amongst the active members-like in other clubs. I don't know Brian Gillian. I don't owe him anything so I wouldn't be upset if we mowed our own grass.

2. Membership fees and late/initiation fees -

Initiation fee is a good idea.

3. Winter flying. As we know, the field and driveway can get very wet and messy in poor weather. Any suggestions?

The road and field will definitely get bad in early winter and early spring. Rob and I still plan to work on the low spot in the road to eliminate hopefully, that late spring muckiness. During the winter when all is frozen there shouldn't be problem with walking or vehicle traffic. Problem is when do you stop? I suggest a chain to be installed at the trees until the road is dry enough for cars in the spring. Carry our plane in for winter flying.
NB!! Somehting I wanted to mention.  When therre is that early morning hoar frost on the grass DON"T  WALK ON IT . Wait until the sun melts the frost. Every step will kill the grass underneath.

4. Toilet. Several members have requested a "porta-potty from April through September. This would likely cost around $900.
900 bucks is a lot of money (memberships)  Pee in the bushes or if it's an "emergency" drive a mile either direction to a restaurant. Or we could build an outhouse that would be the centre of a bonfire when we get evicted.

5. I'd like to schedule another funfly near the end of next summer. Any suggestions as to days (Sat or Sun or both), and dates?

Not on a long weekend again.

6. I would like to post an updated list of paid TEMAC members and their "WINGS" status on the frequency board door interior.

We have $1,110.38 in the bank today
TEMAC owes the EMFSO $165 which is payable in March 2005.
TEMAC owes $1,200. for the 2005 lease, $500 of which is payable this week.
TEMAC owes our lawyer and unspecified amount for unfinished business related to our incorporation.

Sounds like the club is in the red . Another good reason to trim our budget re. grass cutting and Johnny on the Spot's  (what a dumb name)
TEMAC owes $300 for mowing for Sept.

Edited by - slo-poke on 05 Oct 2004  7:46:19 PM

Edited by - slo-poke on 08 Oct 2004  6:34:03 PM



100 lbs of seed will be sown on both the runway and pit area shortly.

100 lbs of new seed is on the field as of today .
Everyone still needs to do their bit by walking the runway and picking up a pile of stones before they fly.

bald warthog

I mis-read the financial status; ok, I can do without a $900 "comfort station". It was real nice to have for the fun fly, but its not a priority at this stage, I mean, not a necessity.

John, thanks for pointing out the need to pick rocks off the runway. I follow what you're saying about the rolling, and I'm simply going to put on larger wheels and/or handlaunch. Walking on wet sod results in footprints and shoe-ruts so we shud stay off it when its wet.

The orange snowfence strikes me as adequate. Its relatively inexpensive, VERY visible, and I have run into it twice and it stopped my plane just fine (which is what its for). The 1X2 stakes may break occasionally but I think they are safer than putting in a piece of rebar which hurts like hell when you walk into it.

Rod Clark C.E.T.
MAAC 69870


I'll summerize everything in a day or two.

Thanks for the input.

By the way, partial payment for the 2005 lease has been submitted; We're official for 2005!

Also... we have permission to cut more trees.


