Flight Instruction

Started by thehaze, May 21, 2013, 06:24:12 PM

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ahhhhhhhh too many Simons.  :o
Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


hi Guys,
I am about 20km west of the field and it is raining here. anybody near the field who can tell me what the weather is looking like?  Does it look like there will be any training tonight?


I was just about to set off for the field and it just started raining down here......not sure I'm going to drive up in rush-hour if its unlikely to be flying weather.

Sorry Guys.


I just checked the weather radar. Looks like rain on its way from the west. I'll stay home tonight and hope for my wings another night.

Vic Whitmore
Do it while you can.


Yeah it's raining in Aurora. Another fine job of forecasting by the weather network
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Almost at the club, pretty clear weather, no rain
Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


Another Wednesday is upon us.

The forecast is not looking good with rain and thunder showers called for all day. However there will be training tonight if the weather holds, so keep your eyes on the sky and check the radar before heading out this evening.

As always, training starts at 6pm

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


 >:(  Have fun in the rain!   >:(


Weather radar looks very clear, with no incoming storm lines in our area. The only concern would be a short build up that could produce local showers.

I'm charging the batteries and packing the car.  See you all tonight.

Vic Whitmore

Do it while you can.


I decided not to chance it, so I'm afraid I won't be coming. Sky was very black at the Airport (Pearson, not TEMAC!)


Sounds like somethings rolling our way


Right now there are 27 km winds in stouffville. Not sure that I am heading over also if there is a storm coming.


You should have come out. I got to the field at 5:45 and the winds were gusty. By 6:30 they were calm and at times non-existent. Vic and Frank flew their Apprentice's (quite well I should add) and then I helped Dash with his.

Managed to fly some of my stuff as well.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Yup! I was there from around 8 to 8:30 and there was no wind!
Any day at the field is a good day :)


I am going to use foul language.  Stayed in and welded.