Flight Instruction

Started by thehaze, May 21, 2013, 06:24:12 PM

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Not sure who is coming out tonight.  Due to Monthend, I am still on the fence if I have the energy to head over to TEMAC.  I should know later in the day, but I am 50/50 right now.   :'(


I'll be there.  :)

Instruction starts at 6.

There is a chance of thunderstorms this evening so check the weather before you head out
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Unfortunately, I will not be there tonight.


I'll be there :D with my newly fixed leader :D and Christmas-ribbon Cessna
Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.


A great night tonight! I really enjoyed flying with some new students (Thomas and Richard) plus got some laps in with my Nooner before the big race this weekend.

And it was great to see Ken Wilton drop by and fly his Beaver float plane.....

And Mike has some "wing" news, but I'll save that for him!


As Simon mentioned tonight was another great night for flying.  Bert and I flew has new Mentor and it was fantastic,  Thomas and his father flew their new Apprentice S,  and lots of the students flew solo for the first time. The flying is really coming along and everyone is having a great time.

Congratulations are in order to  James Eng who earned his MAAC wings tonight!  Nice work James!

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Great night again!  We all had some fun!  Ken's Beaver was amazing and it is now on the I "need" list! 


Tonight's forecast (July 10) is iffy. Chance of thunder showers, and winds between 15 and 20 kph. Not ideal.

Keep an eye on the weather and I will post to the forum this afternoon whether or not there will be any flying tonight.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


I can't make it tonight. Sorry guys. Have fun.


With Environment Canada (http://weather.gc.ca/warnings/report_e.html?on11) posting a watch for severe weather, I'm going to recommend that everyone stay away from TEMAC tonight.  Training for this evening is cancelled.  :'(

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Is going to be hot,  there's a chance of thunder showers,  but training is scheduled for 6pm tonight. As long as the weather holds.

Charge your batteries,  I'll see you at the field!

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Another fine night of training.

Despite the heat and the challenging cross wind (east to west) a number of students came to the field and flew their models. Overall it was a fun evening.

And we got to watch Simon maiden his new Reverb hotliner. Most agreed that Ed's daughter flew it better.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


it's true, last night I was getting some instruction from Ed on how to fly fast.....and it's scary!  Very scary.


Another caption contest?  ;D