Field improvement committee

Started by Skyking, May 23, 2013, 10:56:44 AM

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I used to be an expert on grass and boy did I roll regularly! 
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?



Quote from: Ededge2002 on June 15, 2013, 12:12:00 AM
I used to be an expert on grass and boy did I roll regularly!



Quote from: Michael on June 14, 2013, 10:42:10 PM
Quote from: Finnigan on June 14, 2013, 08:40:22 PM
Someone at the top would do well if they were to grab the reigns and lead.

TEMAC is always looking for hard-working volunteers to take a leadership role at TEMAC.

Are you a member of TEMAC?

I am a recent addition to the club and was encouraged to add my voice on this forum after being approached by a handful of members regarding the condition of the field. I also spoke with what seemed to be senior members who acknowledged issues did exist and were receptive to the idea of moving forward with changes.

As far as volunteering I would certainly consider it as long as there is a commitment and plan of action in place from the President/VP etc, What would you need me to do?


Quote from: bfeist on June 14, 2013, 10:00:20 PM

The TEMAC field is improving every year.

I know there was an extension made in the past, but can you qualify this? Has this been measured in some way, or is it something you feel "naturally" happens over time?

I suppose if the club really wanted to, one e-mail over to the Kingston club about their yearly maintenance regime (and initial condition/preparation) would remove all speculation regarding the "secret sauce" of how to acquire a smooth runway.


Quote from: Finnigan on June 17, 2013, 07:45:04 PM
Quote from: bfeist on June 14, 2013, 10:00:20 PM

The TEMAC field is improving every year.

I know there was an extension made in the past, but can you qualify this? Has this been measured in some way, or is it something you feel "naturally" happens over time?

I suppose if the club really wanted to, one e-mail over to the Kingston club about their yearly maintenance regime (and initial condition/preparation) would remove all speculation regarding the "secret sauce" of how to acquire a smooth runway.

Qualify it? I've been a member since the club started. That first year wheels wouldn't work at all, you had to belly-land. Each year the field has gotten better. Are you looking for some kind of scientific data or something?

I suggest you go back to read Piker's Reply #29. He put this topic to bed.



Quote"I am a recent addition to the club"

Where did you fly previously that had a glass runway to suit your needs?

Quote"was encouraged to add my voice on this forum after being approached by a handful of members regarding the condition of the field."

I didn't vote for you.

Quote" I also spoke with what seemed to be senior members who acknowledged issues did exist and were receptive to the idea of moving forward with changes."

Who did you speak to?  ANY members of the board?

Quote"I know there was an extension made in the past, but can you qualify this? Has this been measured in some way, or is it something you feel "naturally" happens over time?"

The addition to the field HAS improved even this year over last.  Had you been a member you might have even noticed.

Let me just be blunt.

Did someone force you to join?

I fly a lot of flights and a variety of airframes at the TEMAC field.  Some with landing gear some without.  The grass is great and suits my needs.  I fly some very high performance and quality airplanes and would never think twice about landing them on our field. 

Please take the time to post some photos of your lawn so we can have something to aspire to.   
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Finnegan, you haven't the faintest idea of what you are talking about. Your posts are a Hodge-Podge of pseudo facts and assumption gleaned from reading other posts. Heck you're not even a member of the club. Why don't you toddle off and peddle your drivel on some other post. Better yet meet me at the field on Wednesday and we'll show you what little you actually know.

Name all the grass fields you fly off and what models you fly? Name the people you met who find our field so difficult to handle?

Besides we like our field just the way it is. We are training students from 11 years to much older and all are doing great on the field. Anyone who has difficulty with our field may need to see our instructors for some remedial instruction on take offs and landing.

We certainly don't need any interference from some outsider whose biggest claim to fame is BS!

Jack Higgins.
A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Some valid and interesting opinions are being shared here.  And some that seem confused and contradictory.

My one comment would be to remind everyone that the Board has commissioned a committee to gather options and facts relating to runway improvement.

There are always pros and cons, and costs associated with improvement.  But we are fully committed to improving the TEMAC runway.  The only question is "what is our best option?"


Quote from: Finnigan on June 17, 2013, 07:28:22 PM
Quote from: Michael on June 14, 2013, 10:42:10 PM
Quote from: Finnigan on June 14, 2013, 08:40:22 PM
Someone at the top would do well if they were to grab the reigns and lead.

TEMAC is always looking for hard-working volunteers to take a leadership role at TEMAC.

Are you a member of TEMAC?

I am a recent addition to the club and was encouraged to add my voice on this forum after being approached by a handful of members regarding the condition of the field. I also spoke with what seemed to be senior members who acknowledged issues did exist and were receptive to the idea of moving forward with changes.

As far as volunteering I would certainly consider it as long as there is a commitment and plan of action in place from the President/VP etc, What would you need me to do?

My membership list must be out of date.
I have no CL White on my list.
Please call me with your membership information.

You say you were approached "by a handful of members regarding the condition of the field" encouraging you to to discuss this matter.
I'm concerned that some members would be unwilling to participate in such a discussion themselves, or to speak up at any of our meetings, or to directly approach any of the board members. Can you tell me who these members are?

You say you would consider volunteering as long as "there is a commitment and plan of action."
Please consider that TEMAC has never been able to confirm the longevity of our lease beyond any current season, for various economic reasons concerning the farmer from whom we lease. Any member who has attended any of our meetings should know of this. What kind of commitment or plan would you suggest based on this specific parameter?


Quote from: Finnigan on June 17, 2013, 07:28:22 PM
What would you need me to do?

Step 1: Call me.


I'm waiting.


"Do not feed the troll."  I've seen this movie before.  In fact, I am wondering if it might be the same troll.  Michael, any thoughts?