Top Flite DC3 82.5" wingspan

Started by Michael, October 26, 2013, 09:06:21 PM

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I am sorry that I missed the meeting!   I would have liked to see the DC-3 too!


Basic wing colours applied; flaps and ailerons installed; tail-feathers being applied.



Graphics, carefully being applied.



A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Working on radio and power setup.
Decals applied (they really dress up the model).



Not a wart in sight!

GoodGreat looking model.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Now 888 watts static (60 amp draw) at full throttle.

That's with 10/7 contra-rotating 3-blade props.



That looks awesome, Michael.  Congratulations.

I'm very pleased for you and very jealous.


Still to do:

1. fix receiver in place.
2. wire voltage regulator to battery connector; plug into receiver.
3. put a latch or other hold-down mechanism on cockpit/battery hatch.
4. balance.
5. secure prop adapters with thread-lock.
6. more finishing touches: panes lines and other details.

Model weighs under 9 pounds with a 4-cell 4000mah battery pack (that's less than I was expecting. I'm please with that).

However, I'll probably need a 4-cell 5000mah battery pack to balance the plane without useless added weight, or I can use a separate 2-cell battery for the voltage regulator.

Comments? Advice?

Andy Hoffer

Beautiful Michael. 

Skis?  Winter maiden on the new "Snow-Tex" runway?  .  Seem such a shame to keep it hangared till June when the field dries up!

Complimentary photographic coverage!   :D



Use the two cell and you will have flexibility for fine tuning the balance.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Separate RX power with regulator or LiFe gets my vote.  Much more reliable than esc based bec's and if you ever did have main battery troubles you could still fly it.  Ive been using the 10C LiFe pack for over a year in my Enigma and its been flawless.

That's the one im using but you could use something even larger if desired.

The model looks absolutely beautiful in that rear quarter photo Michael.  That extra work to make the scale style tail is a nice touch.

Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


The DC3 is looking really great!  The finishing details have come together fast!  Great work!

BTW, I'm going with a separate BEC run from the main power battery on all my large planes now.  I just like the idea of eliminating a separate RX pack and the need to make sure it's charged and maintained well.  I've always considered the Rx pack to be the weakest link in my in-flight system.  And if you need CG adjustment, it'll be much more effective if you move the main pack a bit... assuming you have the adjustment space.


Why do you consider it the weakest link?


More from the old days of Ni-cads where I would always wonder about the charge state and the general condition of these little packs that we tend to forget about, charge every once in a while, or worse, every time we go flying, so there's that ol' memory concern, and I certainly wouldn't cycle them.

Compare that to our power packs that get all sorts of exercise to keep them healthy, lots of very detailed attention, and a good peak charge before every flight.  We are much more likely to notice a drop in performance of a power pack, as it ages, then a separate Rx pack where we won't know if it's in trouble until the plane it's in crashes.  Also, even a really tired old flight pack will probably have enough in reserve to power the Rx, long after there isn't enough power to fly any more.  You'd have to REALLY drain the flight pack down before you lose Rx power.  When you power your Rx with the power pack, you're literally putting a freshly peaked battery in the plane for every flight, and, you also never have to worry about forgetting to charge the separate pack.

That's how I look at it.