Top Flite DC3 82.5" wingspan

Started by Michael, October 26, 2013, 09:06:21 PM

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Even with its huge wing area and light weight for its size I would consider trying to run with just one motor and a 4S pack and see what the numbers are.  550W on 10lbs just to me seems low on power.  It would be nice to have that little bit extra.  Remember this is a converted glow model and might require a fair bit of pitch speed to fly stable.  I hope some of the other larger model guys chime in here as Im curious to hear there thoughts.  Despite all that it looks great Michael.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Fuselage former horizontal braces removed, and plenty of room for a battery tray.


That battery hatch looks great.

I would go for 100 W/lb, so 1000 Watts tota).  You've only got 50w/lb there now.  That would have been considered marginal back in the NiCad days.


I started painting.

This will take a while, and there's lots of improvements needed as I make progress.

Anyway, here's a photo, warts and all.


Must be dwarf warts, I can't see any. Looks great to me.


A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"

Andy Hoffer

Jack's right.  We need a high-res photo and a good magnifier so we can find the mini warts.

It's looking fabulous Michael.



What warts?.... You should see some of my builds
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Slight improvements; still working at it.
Still waiting for decals to be delivered.
I'll start the wing in a few days.


Wow!  Very nice!

Where are you painting?  in the house?  I bet Lyn loves THAT  :)


Must be "Micro Warts" by now 'cause it looks great to me.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Quote from: Papa on February 11, 2014, 10:45:20 AM
Must be "Micro Warts" by now 'cause it looks great to me.


There are "warts".

This has been an overly ambitious project for me.
Building a model of this complexity (rounded fuselage with balsa skin, kit built with retracts, flaps and twin-wiring, complete fiberglassing, painting, etc.), on a strict 4-month period, has been challenging.

The final product will be nice, but it will have its flaws.

Andy Hoffer

OK, so how many warts per pound?  ;D


75 will make it a sport flyer.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Looks truly great Michael. I hope you are very proud.


It was very nice to see the DC3 fuselage at the Pilot's Meeting last night.  I was admiring the lines of the fuselage as Michael was talking about the plane.  The DC3 really does have nice lines.

It'll be a fantastic model, Michael!  But don't rush the build of this magnificent model to make time for a bunch of ARFs.  You already have enough ARFs in my opinion  ;D

Unless the ARFs are seaplanes.  In that case I whole heartedly endorse than endeavour  :)