Joining the 1/4 scale club/ BUSA Sopwith Pup

Started by electroflyer, January 16, 2014, 09:23:02 AM

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That's a good way to kill some time while you're waiting  ;D

The Pup looks great!


  Hey guys,
Here is the latest update on the progress of the pup.
The motor arrived and is installed. The wing has been aligned and bolted to the fuselage.
The "N" struts are under construction and once complete I can start with the sanding and filling. The plywood which wraps around the fuselage to create the rounded extension behind the cowling is also near ready to be installed. I am really enjoying this build as it is challenging but not overwhelming. Here are some pictures.


Looks immaculate. Very nice.

I was interested to see your leading edge isn't rounded yet. Is this a normal build practice to glue them on and then sand later?


Hi Simon,
This kit comes with angular shaped leading edge balsa instead of pre-shaped rounded pieces. Given that you want the pieces to blend together you do normally sand after they are joined. The leading edge is relatively soft and will sand to shape quickly.


I'm glad to see you're back at it, and have sobered up after your trip to the beach   ;D  But that tail wheel assembly looks a bit odd...


  Yeah it is definitely a second rate tail skid, but a first rate counter balance for that big motor.  ;D


wow looking good... if spring ever comes to southern Ontario i can't wait to see that fly!
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


I'm surprised Robert hasn't yet posted a photo of this plane on floats, or Andy hasn't posted one on skis.



Not a Pup, but you get the idea   ;D


What is the current status of this build?  I am waiting eagerly!


Hi Greg,
I have been sanding and filling  the structure in preparation for covering. I added cap strips to the wing tips and trailing edge to make a better looking wing and provide more surface to attach the covering too.
I set the aircraft up yesterday just to confirm that things were still straight and I am looking at making the tail detachable for transportation when traveling to Fun fly's which would probably allow for more planes to fit in a given space. I will probably start covering the wing tomorrow. I'll send photos soon.
How are your projects coming along?



Well I'm just in the process of covering the upper wing. It has really paid off to not rush the process as the covering magnifies the flaws. Anyways here are a couple of pictures.



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Yes!  Looking very good, Glenn!

So I assume you'll be painting the natural coverall?


  Thanks Guys,
  The plane is going to stay natural more than likely through the test phase and then be painted. I found a unique looking pup that had a red tail section, But I will probably stay with the more traditional schemes. It is truly a fun build. Very much like the Sig Cub and astro Porterfield, just a lot bigger! The upper wing is entirely covered and I am currently looking at making the tail detachable. Lots of work left, but I am hoping for mid to late May test flight.