TEMAC Race Series
New TEMAC Race Events for 2018
Following the success of our Piker Class BL race series, we are going to try at least 2 new formats of racing for 2018. Given the interest in racing yet the need for accessible, simple aircraft we have decided to run 2 demonstration races early in the season:
- Warwing racing
- Warbird racing
Both races will be over 10 laps of the field, and the only limiting factor for either of these formats will be that the aircraft has to be powered with a 3S lipo. The emphasis will be on participation and fan.
We may also try and FPV race if interest is there.
The hope is to agree on a format to launch another regular Club Race Series.
Don’t forget, you can also race your EF1 planes at TEMAC for bragging rights…..
TEMAC Team Racing Piker Class BL
Team A: Team Ace of Diamonds
Team B: Team Ace of Hearts
Team C: Team Ace of Spades
Team D: Team Ace of Clubs
Teams shall be filled in order based on a random draw at the beginning of each season.
There will be an Individual Championship and a Team Championship.
Definition: Teams fly a single spec model for the first year.
Second year can be custom designed and built models that meet the rules.
Piker Class BL Rules:
Rule #1 | 180sq.in. minimum wing area. The wing area considered is the total surface of wing including any wing area masked by the fuselage but excluding any tail area.. |
Rule #2 | Wing thickness must be a minimum of 10% of local chord at any span wise location. |
Rule #3 | Minimum weight of 16oz. |
Rule #4 | Speed Controller, Castle Creations 18A Thunderbird. |
Race Rules:
Rule #1 | Spec model will be the ‘Nooner’ for 2013. |
Rule #2 | Each race will be 10 laps of the circuit. |
Rule #3 | A pylon cut will force the pilot to circle the next pylon. |
Rule #4 | Starts with a hand launch. |
Rule #5 | Flown on a 300′ linear circuit. A linear circuit consists of the distance between the imaginary surfaces marked by two posts separated by 300′.
Rule #6 | Pilots shall supply their own observer who will communicate directly with the Pylon Judge who will call each pass and any cut. Each model will have one of four colour patches for identity. When a model has passed the plane of the pylon the Pylon Judge will call the colour. When a model cuts a pylon he will call the colour with the word cut. Communication will be with club supplied Walkie Talkies. |
Points Structure:
Individual |
1st Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
4th Place |
Race |
5 pts. |
4 pts. |
3 pts. |
2 pts. |
1 pt. |
B Main |
7 pts |
6 pts |
5 pts |
4 pts |
3 pts |
A Main |
10 pts |
9 pts |
8pts |
7 pts |
5 pts |
Competition Director, Scorer and Pylon Judge.
Recommended Guidelines:
- Each Team will appoint a Captain and Assistant Captain.
- Team sweaters are encouraged.
- All Pilots will be required to supply their own nickname before one is supplied for them.
- Racing will be every other Saturday afternoon, weather and schedule permitting.
- Practice sessions will be 5 minute periods, 5 aircraft maximum.
- Race sessions will be 10 laps, 4 aircraft maximum, one from each team where possible.
- We will try to hold racing in a window of one hour. Practice sessions will be 30 minutes preceding racing. We need to hustle to achieve this and rely on everyone’s cooperation. Spotters are highly recommended.
- Scoring will be individual scores and team scores.
- Individual scores will be accumulated to reach a team score.
Event Schedule:
Practice sessions | Total entries divided by five. |
Hard Luck session | Any aircraft damaged and repaired after the practice will be allowed two laps to trim the aircraft. |
Race | All aircraft race, one from each team. 1st and 2nd go forward to the B Main. Points are awarded. |
Consolation | To determine a vacant position in the B or A main if required third place entries only, no points. |
B Main | Each winner goes forward to the A Main. Points are awarded. |
A Main | Final Race. |
- We will have a Team Championship and Pilot Championship.
- There will be an individual winner each race event who will get a “FRANKY” to hold until next event. They will receive a “TEMAC Nickel” as a keeper.
- The Team Championship will be a plaque with a plate with the names of all the team members. The ‘FRANKY’ will be donated by Frank van Beurden.
- Results will be published each Saturday night in the TEMAC Racing News (TRN).
- Award night will be the first Pilot’s Meeting of that year.
- See circuit layout below.