Proxy forms:
TEMAC AGM Proxy Form (PDF)
Director nomination form:
What an amazing year 2012 has been for TEMAC – the best ever? There are so many great things to talk about; it’s hard to know where to start.
We were blessed with a mild winter and if I use my photographs as a record, I think I first flew at ROGO-Field on Feb 5th this year! But it just got better – I have photos from 18th March with us flying in t-shirts! About this same time, in March, we started with the first of our 2012 field improvements, with a huge work-group coming to help improve the water flow in the drainage ditch. It was messy but great fun, and evidence of the great community we have at TEMAC, with so many people coming to help. The spring saw more field improvements; the use of a roller for the field, new pilot stations and new gravel for the driveway. I’d like to say a big thank you to all our members who came to help with these activities – without your support our club wouldn’t be what it is.
2012 was also a record year for membership and growth. We broke the 100-member mark, and we’ve continued to encourage and support many new Junior fliers, who now make up about 10% of our membership. As a result of the growth, and some great stewardship from Andy Hoffer, we are financially healthy, and are able to continue planning for more club improvements in 2013.
To support the growth, and to appropriately reflect what a great club TEMAC is, we launched a new website in June. If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out and make sure you find the message forum, where the information-sharing, banter and conversation is truly entertaining. I’d like to thank Ben Feist for all his help with our web presence.
Our Flight Instruction program continued to be a great asset of the club, with many students successfully achieving their MAAC wings. Congratulations to all our new pilots! We also implemented our Chief Flying Instructor succession plan, and even though it’s long after the change occurred, want to congratulate Mike Hazelton and thank him for stepping in to the role. We have some changes planned for 2013, to make our program even more robust and relevant to the changes our hobby is going through, such as the lower cost and easier accessible models and equipment.
And what about our themed events? We had more this year than ever before, and still you want more! These are my personal highlights of the year: I love flying with you, with similar themed models. I know we’re on to a winning formula when you, our members, are even arranging informal fun-fly events via the forum, like Battle of Britain day, something that we will add to our calendar going forward. With your input from the forum poll, we are planning another stellar events program for 2013, with the addition of new events like Float flying, Speedfest & an Aerobatics day. Way to go Jack!
I heard many comments from you that, on any given weekend (and some weeknights) our field had more fliers than many other clubs’ fun-fly’s! This is a wonderful indication of how much people love coming to our club, but does raise some questions about growth and our infrastructure, that we are planning to address for 2013. In addition, again based on your feedback, we’re working on a proposal for a racing program in 2013, something that all members can enjoy and have fun with.
I’d to recognize all the members of the Board for their leadership and dedication. Greg Hazelton, Greg Cadez, Jack Higgins, Andy Hoffer and our advisor (and TEMAC founder) Michael Rogozinsky. They are a great team to work with, and put in many, many hours behind the scenes to bring our TEMAC motto to life.
As a final note I’d like to thank YOU, for an awesome 2012, and here’s to an even better 2013. Let’s continue to “Have fun. Be safe & be courteous.”
Simon Hinchcliffe
Forum discussion of this report:
2012 has been a very busy and exciting year for the Club.
Special Events covers any event The Board organizes that brings the membership together, The Board believes implicitly in the Club’s Motto Fun – Safety – Courtesy. Different aspects of the hobby mean fun to different members and the Board has tried to provide a variety of activities to accommodate all members. Primarily it is the social interaction that most enjoy. That is why our events have a high social content.
This past year began, for me, last December with a very different and successful Christmas Party. The Mini Fun Fly concept seems to be enjoyed by most members and all were well attended this year. I took note of some member driven events and intend to include them in next year’s schedule. I had a poll to find what events the members like and this will result in some new events in 2013. You will get an advance copy of the events schedule at the November Pilot’s Meeting before it is posted on the web site.
Events in 2012.
Multiple work parties to improve the flying experience and access to the ROGO Field.
One very important event is coming shortly. The AGM and Christmas Party. This will be held on December 7th at the Three Monkeys. We have some business to get out of the way and to facilitate this we will post all relevant documents and reports on the web site so you may read them in advance. I hope this will be a trend for future business meetings as I hate long drawn out meetings. We will present, for your approval, a set of By-Laws and a Policy and Procedure Manual. We need to have these approved as we have to supply copies to the Ontario Government as part of our compliance with the Incorporation Regulations. We will also elect a Board of Directors for a two year term. Nomination Forms and Proxy Forms will be sent to each member.
I would like to close by thanking all the members who volunteered their services during our events. This relieved me of a lot of pressure and made each event a pleasant experience for me. I know if I tried to name you all I would miss some one. Suffice it to say you all know who you are and you have my gratitude for stepping up when you saw a gap that needed filling. I am especially grateful to the Board members who were always first in line to volunteer. Three people who are not Board members but who deserve special mention are Ben Feist, Mike Hazelton and Frank van Beurden. Your support for the club and its ideals is inspirational. It is my honour and pleasure to be your Special Events Coordinator.
Jack Higgins
Discussion of this report:
When I saw how well the Interim Board was working last year I casually mentioned I would be willing to help out in any way I could. Little did I know that it would happen so fast but it did and I’m enjoying every minute.
This has been a period of growth for me, as I learn this job, and for the club as we cope with increased membership and success. We started the year with a couple of well attended work parties to drain the field and over seed the grass. We also rolled the field in the spring resulting in a nice smooth field. However the unusually dry Summer played havoc with the ground and the runway was not quite as smooth as the previous year. We intend to have it rolled next Spring with a commercial heavy roller which should result in improvements.
The removal of the old fence and replacement with Pilot Stations was well received. Thank you to all the volunteers who participated. The extension of the runway is coming along nicely and has saved many models. We had some assistance from MAAC and extended the gravel up to the parking lot. Next year once the ground has stabilized we will gravel the parking lot. We are also looking into the purchase and maintenance of a Portable Toilet for the field.
Flight Instruction is a mainstay of the club and one of the prime attractions for new members, particularly new Junior Members. This year there was a transition from Clair Murray to Mike Hazelton in the Position of Chief Flying Instructor. Mike was inundated with student applications toward the end of the year but coped admirably with it. He is appealing for more instructors so if you are interested give Mike a call. He is working on an improved schedule for next year including basic aerobatic training for experienced pilots.
I look forward to an even better year in 2013 and want to thank Mike and the Board for their support and encouragement as I get up to speed.
Greg Cadez
Forum discussion of this report:
TEMAC remains in good financial condition as a result of continued prudent management of our finances by the Board, ensuring that we spend on the important things, but stay within our fiscal means. We have invested carefully in solid infrastructure improvements (pilot stations; driveway upgrades) and field maintenance (rolling; grass cutting) to ensure a good facility which meets the needs of our growing club, with adequate funds remaining to cover our web site, and of course, food, prizes and awards for our fun fly events. And I can’t emphasize enough how extremely fortunate we have been to have the talents of a consummate IT professional and web designer, Ben Feist, to make our web site the vibrant communications and discussion vehicle that it is.
We were fortunate to benefit from financial assistance from MAAC, which covered 50% of our driveway gravel additions, and from the increased revenue stream created by unprecedented membership growth in 2012, with 40+ new members joining this past year. TEMAC’s membership now stands at 112, including 2 life members, 10 junior members and 3 non-flying members, making TEMAC the largest club in the SE Zone of MAAC. Growth in the club has put significant additional demands on our field resources (parking, assembly tables, and airspace availability) and we are likely nearing the limit of how many members we can accommodate at TEMAC. This issue is currently under review by the Board.
Looking to 2013, we have again requested funding from the SE Zone of MAAC to allow us to make further improvements to the parking area and driveway at ROGO field. Given our positive cash situation over the year, we are pleased to be able to maintain our current fee structure as published on our web site. A detailed financial statement will be presented at the AGM.
Andy Hoffer
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