TEMAC remains in good financial condition as a result of continued prudent management of our finances by the Board, ensuring that we spend on the important things, but stay within our fiscal means. We have invested carefully in solid infrastructure improvements (pilot stations; driveway upgrades) and field maintenance (rolling; grass cutting) to ensure a good facility which meets the needs of our growing club, with adequate funds remaining to cover our web site, and of course, food, prizes and awards for our fun fly events. And I can’t emphasize enough how extremely fortunate we have been to have the talents of a consummate IT professional and web designer, Ben Feist, to make our web site the vibrant communications and discussion vehicle that it is.
We were fortunate to benefit from financial assistance from MAAC, which covered 50% of our driveway gravel additions, and from the increased revenue stream created by unprecedented membership growth in 2012, with 40+ new members joining this past year. TEMAC’s membership now stands at 112, including 2 life members, 10 junior members and 3 non-flying members, making TEMAC the largest club in the SE Zone of MAAC. Growth in the club has put significant additional demands on our field resources (parking, assembly tables, and airspace availability) and we are likely nearing the limit of how many members we can accommodate at TEMAC. This issue is currently under review by the Board.
Looking to 2013, we have again requested funding from the SE Zone of MAAC to allow us to make further improvements to the parking area and driveway at ROGO field. Given our positive cash situation over the year, we are pleased to be able to maintain our current fee structure as published on our web site. A detailed financial statement will be presented at the AGM.
Andy Hoffer
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