Annual Report from the Vice President, Director of Administration 2015
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:49:27 pm »
This has been a really enjoyable season working with so many of you to upgrade and maintain our “Rogo” flying field. Training nights are both inspiring and entertaining while providing an opportunity to meet new members. I am gratified to see so many of you enjoying your time at the field as much as I do.
Field Maintenance and Improvements
Here’s what was done this year:
• Spring clean up
• Grass over seeding- 75 kgs
• Parking lot fence replacement and extension
• Gravel addition to parking- 63,190 kgs
• Table refurbishment
• Storage bin added for events and maintenance equipment
• Runway rolling (at least 10x) and weekly repairs
• Windsock and Pilot Stations upgrades
• Info box installation for brochures and teaching aids
• MAAC safety signs and road entrance sign repairs
• Portable toilet upkeep
• Weekly grass cutting from May through October
• Fall clean up
Please join me in extending special appreciation to some “heavy lifters” on the more intensive projects. Big thank you’s go to Rob Dickinson, Gordon Braun-Woodbury, Vic Whitmore, Frank van Beurden, and Greg Hazelton.
Safety & Security
Being around LiPo’s and spinning propellers does demand a degree of respect. I am always impressed at the willingness of everyone to assist each other as a “safety-buddy” when focus may momentarily be interrupted. Review of potential safety issues and procedures is an ongoing process.
The team of volunteer instructors ran another highly popular program this year under the CFI’s leadership, Mike Hazelton. The weekly-windy-Wednesday evening season took off on 6th May and landed with a President’s BBQ on 16th Sep. In addition to the evening sessions, Bruce Weaver started weekday morning sessions which fits very well for some of our members’ schedules. Our instructors are much appreciated and deserve our applause.
Simon Hinchcliffe Greg Hazelton Bruce Weaver Imran Husein
Frank van Beurden Dave Henry Fabiano Silva
Michael Rogozinsky Ron Brott Mike Hazelton, CFI
2016 Objectives
Here are some of the things we are planning to do:
Spring clean up Runway markings
Runway and lawn maintenance The “Loo” maintenance
Develop a register of students Review of safety & training
Add gravel to parking lot and laneway Fall clean up
Grass over seeding Win lottery
Our gratitude goes to all volunteers for continuing to make our aerodrome so special. As always, your ideas and suggestions are welcomed.
On a personal note, I am absolutely thrilled to receive your special recognition at our annual fun fly. It is an honour to be recognized for doing the things I really enjoy. Thank you all so much!
Graham McNicol
Vice President & Director of Administration, TEMAC